Saturday, July 11, 2009

Strike A Pose

Brisbane Square is quite a striking place. There's the library building (pictured with the scaffolding-y bit up the side), the Treasury Casino building, funky restaurants and cafes, the new Wednesday farmers' market and these gigantic metal balls made from welded vegetable steamers. (hmmm. I'll do a post about them sometime soon) I took this picture about 11 or 12 days ago as part of my 100 Strangers project. Ali was standing on top of one of the balls, posing for his friends. It didn't occur to me to ask him how he got up and I had walked away before he got down but while he was up there, he looked very comfortable. He must be a dab hand at Pilates.


Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Very interesting shot. I like it!

Julie said...


Anonymous said...

nice pose man. great shot.


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