If you're not from Queensland or New South Wales, there's every chance you don't know or care about the State of Origin competition. It's a good-humoured rivalry if the atmosphere on Caxton Street is anything to go by. Queensland versus New South Wales in a three game Rugby League play-off. Players' "state of origin" is based (I think) on the first team they joined as a professional.
Last night's game was the first of the three and was held at Suncorp Stadium. The next game will be held down in Sydney in June and third back up here again in July. I didn't manage to catch the game. It was a preventative measure as my eyes usually get sore from all the eye rolling.... but it sounds like it was a nail biter. Queensland won! Hooray!
(This is when you adopt the bulldog stance and loudly growl "QUEENSLANDER!!! RRRRR!")
I saw these lunatics on TV - on two channels, no less!
I think Queensland may have won the dress-up too...
The guy on the right looks a bit psycho (please don't tell me that's your partner). I thought a Londoner would be around 200 miles too far south to be interested in League..
They're all (players and supporters alike) bloody psycho if you ask me (and I know you didn't) but still - I have to admit I was very pleased with the final score.
Go Queensland!
Hi Alan - I'm not connected with any of the guys in the picture I just wandered up and asked for a picture. Sounds like I wasn't the only one. I'm not remotely interested in Rugby League. I don't get it at all. I do like the dressing up and the ritual, though. I especially like that right next to this mob were a group of Blues supporters and they were all having a beer and a good laugh with no animosity. Footy (the proper footy) could do with more of that, I reckon.
Waooh !
Jeez you get around Cara.The real footie by the way is Aussie Rules. Goes back equally as far as "Football' The aborigines invented it 40,000 years ago before the Celts and Vikings and the Saxons were even a twinkle in thier neanderthal father's eyes.
Yes but the aboriginies never called it "footy". Your foot's hardly on the ball in AFL. Am I right or am I right?
What! Says whot that AFL is an indigenous 'invention'?
I guess if I think of SoO as 'theatre' I just might be able to cope.
With humble respect Cara NO! you're wrong. aussie rules is a higher form of footy in that as well as kicking the ball with your foot (the only way to score points - same as the other game) you can also hand-ball the footie - same as in 'football' (Diego Maradona, World Cup etc) except we took out the temptation to cheat by making it legal.
PS I may have exaggerated my 40,000 year claim. The Irish had a hand in it's invention as well via Gaelic football - village v village 'get the bal from one village to the other using any means possible.
Bringing the Hand Of God into any argument with me just isn't going to cut it. You're only bringing it up because I'm English.
What a great happy and funny shot!!
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