Monday, December 21, 2009

Four Calling Birds

There's an interesting take on The Twelve Days Of Christmas in King George Square each day up until December 23rd. It's called Artist's Dozen: twelve artists have been invited to create large sculptural artworks from pre-made numbers to portray their own interpretation of a line of the song.

The results so far are funny, interesting, strange... these "calling birds" are kookaburras - best known for their raucous laugh especially at 4.30am when I am trying to sleep. Here's a few more... I quite like the ninja turtle doves. No idea at all about the 6 geese a-laying... any thoughts? The seven swans a-swimming (a work in progress on Saturday at lunchtime) was supposed to be a model of Wayne Swan (Australia's treasurer) swimming in a GF Sea (geddit?)

Click on a picture for a closer look...


Julie said...

The partridge one works well, too. Some of the others one needs to find generosity for.

Ann said...

Cute. I really like that idea.

Annie said...

Ah, sounds a great idea! What fun. you are always in on the action Cara! Good on you!

Jim said...

These are awesome. What a great idea.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

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