Thursday, July 30, 2009

Glass Panels In The CBD


Julie said...

ooo ... lovely ... Bitingmidge would like this one, I feel ... is that some bridge superstructure that is reflected in the glass.

Nice shapes, nice colours ... good eye!

cara said...

yes I must admit to being a little influenced by him :-)

No, that isn't a reflection on the windows in the foreground, it's actually a design on the glass. (The windows in the background are reflecting other windows)

Annie said...

Ah, good one Cara...good on you. Thank you. It has been ages since i have been into town (the city)! May I ask where this building is? A new one no doubt?

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's so uniform and almost alien looking. Interesting image.

cara said...

Annie, this one is where Wharf Street and Queen Street meet - on the opposite side of the road to Customs House.

Babooshka - for me it's like one of those really magnified images of a fibre or somewhere inside the body.

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