Lovely photo. Not a criticism but an attempt by me to train my eye to create better compositions. What if you cropped that back to the poinciana cutting out the extra lamp post? One less line but maybe a stronger focus on the brolly, the poinciana and the other lines?
cara, first time i've seen your blog since i've been away, its looking great! congrats on reaching a year, i expect more of the same in coming months! i will send some more pics through once i find a place in brazil that has internet that allows me to upload more than one photo an hour... much love xxxx
I am thinking thoughts like Little Hat but coming at it a different way. To my eye, your image is unbalanced and you need another element over on the right of the bridge AFTER the lamp post. This is where you should have waited for the brolly to be. I believe it is called patience ... *grin* ...
I like the poincian and the curve above it and I adore the two blue lines. Actually, the best you could have done (only IMO obviously) is to have the brolly over on the right but walking towards the left.
LH and Ann -I see exactly what you mean with the crop and the lamp post, it would have looked much better. I must admit to being in holiday mode when I posted it.
Julie -When I took the shot I took several more as the walker went over the bridge. I think I may have been looking for that balance but checking the reject shots, they are a bit blurry and the framing is all over the shop. I think it was just about to bucket down and I needed to get my nice new lens under cover.
Nice little flurry of thoughts. We've used you as a guinea pig Cara. Feel free to do the same to mine. In the end it's still very subjective. My eye, your eye. What you're wanting the viewer to look at and what the viewer chooses to see!
Lovely photo. Not a criticism but an attempt by me to train my eye to create better compositions. What if you cropped that back to the poinciana cutting out the extra lamp post? One less line but maybe a stronger focus on the brolly, the poinciana and the other lines?
cara, first time i've seen your blog since i've been away, its looking great! congrats on reaching a year, i expect more of the same in coming months! i will send some more pics through once i find a place in brazil that has internet that allows me to upload more than one photo an hour... much love xxxx
I am thinking thoughts like Little Hat but coming at it a different way. To my eye, your image is unbalanced and you need another element over on the right of the bridge AFTER the lamp post. This is where you should have waited for the brolly to be. I believe it is called patience ... *grin* ...
I like the poincian and the curve above it and I adore the two blue lines. Actually, the best you could have done (only IMO obviously) is to have the brolly over on the right but walking towards the left.
Welcome back ...
I can see what little hat is getting at - the curve on the lamp post leads the eye out of the frame. I do like the different blues.
Thanks all for your input. Food for thought.
LH and Ann -I see exactly what you mean with the crop and the lamp post, it would have looked much better. I must admit to being in holiday mode when I posted it.
Julie -When I took the shot I took several more as the walker went over the bridge. I think I may have been looking for that balance but checking the reject shots, they are a bit blurry and the framing is all over the shop. I think it was just about to bucket down and I needed to get my nice new lens under cover.
But an interesting exercise this: take a photo that obviously works and discuss what might improve it for next time.
Nice little flurry of thoughts. We've used you as a guinea pig Cara. Feel free to do the same to mine. In the end it's still very subjective. My eye, your eye. What you're wanting the viewer to look at and what the viewer chooses to see!
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