The guy immortalised on the box is the former premier of Queensland, Peter Beattie. He was premier here for 9 years up until 2007 and is something of an institution in Queensland politics. He once described himself as a "media tart" which leads me to wonder if maybe he commissioned this box himself.
What's that on top of the box, you say? A used nylon stocking, of course...
For other signal box art, click on the TSBs label below.
I like that term, "Media Tart." I also like the box.
Cool art. Hope you are safe from the flooding at present.
Thanks for your concern, Mo - we're pretty lucky here in Brisbane. The monsoonal floods are in the north of the state about 1200kms north of here and the fires are 1600kms south.
ah, ole Peter Beatty...and now the US have him!
I have added you to my blog roll of honour on my photoblog site. Roll on Photobloggers, great for dyslexics!
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