Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fairy Bread

It's a phenomenon that I only came across when I arrived in Australia and started going to my daughter's friends' birthday parties. Fairy Bread: sliced white bread and butter sprinkled with sugary hundreds and thousands. It sounds absolutely vile and I haven't been game enough to taste a slice to this day but the kids love it!


Rosemary said...

Sigh, brings back memories. It's yummy and you need a sweet tooth.

Jim said...

Australian culinary art. :)
Sydney - City and Suburbs

wilbo43 said...
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Bill said...

Fairy bread is almost as vile as vegemite on toast. You need to have been born here to appreciate them, I don't.

Killara girl said...

i didn't think i'd like it anymore til i made some for my kids & it tasted just as good! you have to like bread & butter first!

Kcalpesh said...


Pixellicious Photos

Julie said...

'Tis ancient Aussie tradition used to assess youse blokes from across the seas!!

Jon said...

Geez that really brings back memories. I used to love it as a kid. But being late-20s now [and much more health conscious!] I think I´ve well and truly outgrown it.

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