Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So Who's This Brisbane Bloke, Anyway?

The life and times of Sir Thomas Brisbane in 10 concise and over-simplified bullet points:

*Lived: 1773-1860
*Born: Ayrshire, Scotland
*Went through the ranks in the British Army
*Became govenor of New South Wales
*Sent a scout north in 1823 to find a settlement for convicts
*Et voila! Our beautiful big river flowing into Moreton Bay! Perfecto!
*The settlement was named in his honour
*In 1839 it was opened to free settlement
*Brisbane wasn't around for that as he'd gone back to Scotland in 1825
*He was a keen astronomer, publishing a book of stars and establishing an observatory in Parramatta, Sydney
*Died: Ayrshire, Scotland


Julie said...

Well there ya go! Would that all historical lives were dot-pointed!

Ken Mac said...

your comment at my place cracked me up!

Ann said...

You learn something every day.

Jim said...

Very interesting.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

david said...

And it's one of those historical oddities that the Queensland capital is named after the Gov of NSW. The state of Queensland didn't exist at the time - Brisbane was in NSW.

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