Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boundary Street, Friday

Boundary Street in West End has a mix of restaurants, bars and independent traders. Friday evening sees it come alive with delicious food smells, a wide variety of music and general weekend excitement. You get an eclectic mix: office workers, people dressed up in all their going out finery, hippies, transients, young and old, black and white.  There's also a big mosaic lizard under some trees - a shady place to hang out. This was taken yesterday afternoon where, with lunch out of the way, the atmosphere was one of quiet anticipation. I stuck the camera on top of the big lizard's head.


AL said...

Great shot Cara....I have been here a number of times but can't place the lizard. I will have to take more notice next time.

Mozette said...

Hey, Cara, I was there last Monday... took a great shot of this guy too.

A close friend of mine was with me and he was stunned when I stepped out onto the road to get the photo of the lizard, right next to a truck, took my photo and stepped back onto the footpath without a single nervous step. :D
The truck-driver, however, wasn't so unnerved as me. He was more peeved at how easily I had ignored him just for a photo. But I thought it was worth it.

Julie said...

Anticipation ... what ... of more rain ...

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