Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Feast For the Eyes

Here's one of the windows in St. Stephen's Cathedral which adjoins the chapel in yesterday's post. It's a much grander church and the windows are really stunning. It was a job getting a variety of shots as all but one window were open because it was really hot. There are maybe another 9 like this plus 4 much bigger ones higher up towards the roof. I find it unbelievable that all this glass was shipped from Ireland, England, France and Germany in the nineteenth century. Can you imagine being responsible for this lot... months on a boat swaying side to side.... and every time there were storm clouds on the horizon...? It would be enough to give you a heart condition!

If you like this window, you might like to check out Marc's post from January 6th in Amsterdam Daily Photo. Thanks for the tips Marc!


SaraG said...

Oh my goodness, that picture is just beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing.
take care

Kerri said...

This is a beautiful photo! That window is gorgeous!

abc said...

Hi Cara, this is a beautiful work of art and I think it is very well photographed. It is really worth studying for a while with all its wonderful details and colours. Of course my tips were just very general, but I think you did a very good job here. I wonder, did you use a tripod? Thank you!

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