Friday, September 11, 2009

Diagonal Stripes Skywatch

This sunrise, a few weeks ago, had so many colours in it that I feel justified in posting a shot from it here for the third time! (others here and here).

Have a great weekend and for other skies across the globe, check out Skywatch Friday.


clairz said...

What amazing colors. Love the angle. Thank you for sharing. a

Namnet said...

A stunning sunrise indeed. Those colours are beautiful and I also like the composition of this photo. Simply an amazing sky.
Happy skywatching:-)

Steffi said...

Brilliant photo!I love it!Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

Jim said...

Awesome shot. Great angle.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

Nice. The angle was a good thought.

BTW, I just came back from Brisbane. Wish I'd seen your blog before I went, but I'm going to have to come back and look at more photos, regardless.

Kim said...

Wow! Love your colors and the angle of the shot. Happy Friday!

Re. the kitty w/harness, the girl is homeless, so it is her way to keep her companion safe, not a "Paris Hilton Pet" kinda thing, which I agree is a bit much.

DeniseinVA said...

Love the angle on your SWF photo. It is a stunning image.

cosine said...

Really lovely colours! is this a HDR?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Love the artistic slant really makes those colours jump out at you.

cara said...

Mindy - I'm not sure... I did pull down the blacks and increase the luminosity a little bit to increase the overall intensity here. The colours are unchanged.

Carolyn Ford said...

Gorgeous! I love the tilt and lighting and silhouettes of the trees and power lines!

eileeninmd said...

Neat angle and the colors are awesome.

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